
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Tip Top Tips for Spring Cleaning

With warmer months just around the corner, spring-cleaning isn’t far away. Whether you want to clear some of the winter clutter or just feel like a change in scenery, spring-cleaning can make it happen. Now is the perfect time to clean out the garage, basement and/or attic. Here are some spring cleaning tips you can follow.

1. If you are storing away your winter clothes, consider using large plastic storage containers that feature snap-on lids. These can be found in the house wares department at most stores and are very inexpensive. Storage containers are very important in keeping your clothes dust and discoloration free.

2. When packing your clothes, roll them instead of folding. This not only eliminates creases and wrinkles, but also saves a lot of space. You will be able to pack a lot more clothes with this technique.

3.Label your clothing containers as “Spring”, “Fall” and “Winter”. This will help you to easily locate your wardrobe inside the closet. If you have any clothing that you don’t plan to wear or simply have outgrown, consider donating them to a local goodwill or other nonprofit organization. R

4. If you are looking to clear out some unnecessary things or perhaps even some Holiday decorations in order to make room for new ones, consider a trip to the local flea market. Everyone is looking for a bargain and they just may be looking for something that you no longer wish to own.

5. Break down your chore list so that the overall task will be easier.  For the bigger outside jobs like pressure washing driveways and decks etc. hire a company to make the over job of spring cleaning easy.  Then break down the inside room by room and break it down over time to make it easier.

Friday 25 May 2012

Cleaning Your Computer and Other Electronics

Whether your office is situated in a sky-high building, or tucked within the comforts of your own home, it is relatively important to keep your workplace clean and comfy. Computers and other electronics make up a good portion of our office space, and since they are used  frequently, they often become the dirtiest items in the room. Here's what you should do:

1. Wipe computer screens gently with a soft microfiber cloth.

2. Blow computer keyboards out with compressed air.

3. Clean the entire keyboard by dipping cotton swabs into rubbing alcohol and detailing on and around all of the keys. This process will clean and disinfect the keyboard, and help to halt the spread of germs.

4. Dust the tops of printers and computer towers, fax machines and telephones with microfiber cloths and detail any parts with the cotton swab and alcohol that don't come into direct contact with the electric components.

Monday 21 May 2012

Domestic Cleaning Services: Three Types to Choose From

Several house cleaning companies provide a variety of different services to cater different needs. Depending on how much work you need, you can hire them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. There are basically three types of house cleaning services. These are:

1. Freelancer - These are individual cleaners who are not licensed or insured to do several private jobs. Most people take this as a part time job. This is perfect if you are looking into getting a dirty work done for a day only. The good thing about freelancers is that, it easier to bargain with them compared to those who works for a cleaning service company.

2. Mother's Helper - Commonly referred as House helper. These are normally women helper who could help you do all the tough work, especially if you are a working mother who barely has time to clean the house. They are usually paid through a feasible hourly rate.

3. Maid Service Company - This is the most preferred cleaning service provider. Hiring a made service company ensures you that the work gets done properly and that no work is compromised. These companies are backed-up with licensed so you can be sure that they would only deliver the best quality of work to fit your needs.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Cleaning Service Fee: Tipping is not Necessary

While it's good to be generous to people who make your lives easier, it is not really necessary to tip cleaning service agents weekly. Several research shows that other cleaning firms do not require tips in form of money, but rather, they most likely appreciate other forms of gratitude such as writing a thank you note or giving them snacks after battling with the dirty work.

Some other firm suggest that it is better to give an annual tip such as holiday bonuses. Tips are not normally listed as part of one's compensation in ads for cleaning positions, as it usually is for restaurants.  Many cleaning services firms out there don't expect regular tips, but they frequently get, and certainly appreciate, a nice bonus of 20-30% during the holiday season.
So, the next time you hire a cleaning crew, don't be pressured in giving them additional compensation. By merely smiling at them and letting them know that they're doing a great job is more than enough.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Tidy Up Your Bed Room With These Easy Cleaning Tips

 "Clean As You Go", this is one philosophy that you should live by, especially when cleaning your own bed room. This place is your very own private space, so clean it and organize it in your own little way. Don't wait for the helper to do the house cleaning job for you. You can do it, step-by-step, by following these simple cleaning tips:

1. When vacuuming the bedroom, take a few extra moments to clean under the bed so the dust bunnies won't multiply.

2. While you get dressed in the morning, check your nightstand or dresser top and pick three to five items to toss out (ticket stubs, empty perfume bottles, for example). Clean the phone with an alcohol-based wipe or go through one drawer in your dresser, weeding out items you no longer wear or want.

3. Shorten the stack of bedside reading material by moving items you want to save back to the bookshelf or file cabinet and getting the rest ready for recycling.

4. If you don't have time for a thorough dusting, go over curtains, mini-blinds and the headboard with the upholstery attachment of your vacuum.

5. To save steps in making beds, store an extra set of sheets under the mattress. If you have a sofa bed, store linens and a bed pillow inside one of the pillow shams on the couch.

That's it! Easy peasy!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Why You Need to Hire Commercial Cleaning Services for Your Business

So you have a very successful business. Your office building is three floors high. You've got a awesome employees and a warm ambiance to boot. But, your floor is grimy you couldn't even see your reflection. What? This isn't the kind of environment you'd want for a successful business right? Therefore, if things get very dirty you can't take it anymore, perhaps it's about time you hire a professional commercial cleaning service. Why? Well, here's why:

Cleaning Solutions

Reliable commercial cleaning organizations have access to several various products such as "Scotch Guard", which is an excellent product in preventing stains from setting into your carpet. These organization give you added protection against dirt, grime, food stain and more that you cannot do with mediocre cleaning solutions sold at the supermarket. Ask the agency what cleaning solution they are using to ensure quality cleaning.

Health Benefits

Dirt and grime and even mildew can be dangerous to the health. When left uncleaned for a long time, it may compromise the health of the people working for your company (including you), and may vastly affect your business. Cleaning experts understand the importance of a clean and healthy surroundings, and thus, they will ensure that they take care of your office and your employees all the same with their high-standard cleaning techniques.


Commercial cleaning companies have a wealth of knowledge that can help to extend your office's life-expectancy. With years of experience and properly trained agents, you get the assurance of quality cleaning,