
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Office Cleaning Tip: How to Work Efficiently

If your office is in an office building or other establishment, you might have control over the clutter, but the potential for germs is greater because you come into contact with more people. Following is a checklist of office cleaning tip to help you work more efficiently.

1. De-clutter your workspace. This may seem obvious, but you cannot give your office a thorough cleaning if it is cluttered with paper, books, files, or anything else that needs to be put away. Put these away before anything else.

2. Start with your desk. Once your desk is clutter-free, this is the place that needs to be cleaned first. It is the place where you put your hands, where others probably put their hands, and where food or drink is possibly consumed.

3. If you have bookshelves, a work table, chairs, or any other furniture in your office, wipe those down next. Make sure to do edges, as well, not just surfaces.

4. Waste baskets are for wastes and we often forget that they can become some of the dirtiest places in our homes or offices. Every so often, give your waste basket a good cleaning with soap and water or cleaning spray.

5. If you have carpet, vacuum regularly. If you have tiled or another type of hard floor, keep it swept clean and mop at least once a week. If you have a plastic chair roller over your carpet, be sure to clean it as well, using the spray cleaner.

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