
Monday 30 April 2012

Quick Tip: How to Remove Beer Stains

Okay, so you found a bottle of beer in the fridge. It's a super hot day and you're so thirsty. You got the beer, opened the bottle up and poof! It accidentally spilled on your vintage carpet. You know your wife's gonna get furious about this. What do? Well, here's a quick cleaning tip for you.

If the beer spilled on the carpet, grab that botanical smelling shampoo in your bathroom. Brush the carpet until the beer stain disappears. If the stain is being stubborn, try a stain removal product. Older stains may improve if you dab them with methylated spirits.

Beer stains on upholstery can be cleaned using warm water. Older stains, however, should be cleaned with a 1:5 solution of clear vinegar and water. Make sure not to get the fabric too wet. After removing the stain, dab with a dry cloth or kitchen paper to dry.

If you got beer spills on your clothes wash them as usual in as hot a setting as the fabric can take, using a biological detergent. Older stains should be soaked first in washing soda and warm water.

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