
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Easy Cleaning Tips for the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important area of the house that needs intensive cleaning. It's where all the dirty cleaning is done when it comes to food preparation. If you haven't hired a cleaning service to do the tough work for you and your kitchen is starting to grow into a big pile of mess, here are some easy cleaning tips to help you out.

1. For a more effective dishwashing, add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the dishwashing solution. This will help cut down the grease easily and leaves your dishes sparkly clean.

2. Clean up oven spills by sprinkling salt all over the area. Once the over has cooled down, brush away the spills using a damp sponge.

3. Disinfect smelly sponges by tossing it inside the microwave while it is still wet (and clean). Heat can help kill the bacteria on the sponge. Make sure that the sponge has no material components.

4. Clean up old and hard stains on the sink by pouring salt in it and scrubbing it with lemon. Let it stand for a few minutes before rinsing.

5. Get rid of odor producing mold and bacteria in garbage cans by sprinkling 1/2 cup of Borax in the bottom of the garbage can.

Thursday 23 February 2012

House Cleaning Tip: How to Hire the Right Domestic Cleaning Service

House cleaning may sound easy, but do you know that there are actually some people who hire a domestic cleaning service to beat up the dirty task in their homes? Yes, that's right. These are the kind of people who barely have time to spare for a day's worth cleaning. If you are one these people and thinking about hiring someone to do the job for you, here are some things that you need to consider:

1. Word of Mouth

The best way to find the best cleaning service agency in town is through word of mouth. Ask recommendations from your family and friends who have already tried several cleaning services and ask them which among those would they recommend the most. J

2. Research

If you can't juice out anything from word of mouth, then you can do the research at your own. Most, if not all, reputable companies do have a website; so do make sure to check on that. Get as much information as you can from these websites and see if their standards fit your requirement.

3. Background Check

If you've already set your eyes on a cleaning company, the next thing you would want to do is to do a background check of the people behind the cleaning team. It can sound a bit offending, but these days, we can't just trust people easily. It's better to wise than be sorry.

Monday 20 February 2012

Hospital Cleaning: Things to Remember when Cleaning Medical Equipments

Hospital Cleaning is a very risky task since it requires careful handling of hospital supplies and equipment in order to prevent the spread of infection, while making sure that everything is thoroughly cleaned and void of bacteria. below are some basic cleaning procedures followed by several hospital cleaning service agencies.

1. The first thing to consider when cleaning medical equipments is to wash the hands with disinfectant cleansers.

2. Use hand gloves to prevent spread of infection, as well protection against bacteria that may cause serious health conditions.

3. In order to ensure complete protection from all types of infections, disinfect the equipments after all the scheduled shifts of treatments.

4. Water and soaps are not considered the most effective solutions to clean medical equipments. Always use bleaching solution with 10% anti-bacterial property.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Office Cleaning Tip: Caring for Computers and Electronics

Computers and other electronic devices play a major role in running a business. They are used every so often that they become the dirtiest items inside the room. On top of that, electrical devices easily attract dust, which are barely noticeable if you don't take a good look at it. While it is  good to hire an office cleaning service agency to do all the tough work, you can always do the cleaning on your own by following these steps:

1. Wipe computer screens gently with a soft microfiber cloth.

2. Blow computer keyboards out with compressed air.

3. Clean the entire keyboard by dipping cotton swabs into rubbing alcohol and detailing on and around all of the keys.

4.  Dust the tops of printers and computer towers, fax machines and telephones with microfiber cloths and detail any parts with the cotton swab and alcohol that don't come into direct contact with the electric components.

Make it a habit to clean your computers or other electronic devices before beating up your daily tasks.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

House Cleaning Tip: Removing Coffee Stains from Carpets

Don't you just hate it when you trample down and spill coffee all over your precious carpet? It's frustrating and sometimes you get into a state of panic from not knowing how to immediately get rid of the stain. Well, worry no more! Here's are simple house cleaning to remove coffee stains from the carpet:

1. Grab a white cloth and Blot the area to absorb all the liquid you can. Blot from the outside of the stain in to avoid spreading the stain.

2. Mix 1 teaspoon clear, mild liquid dish washing detergent with 1 cup lukewarm water.

3. Sponge the area with the detergent solution. Blot again with a clean, white cloth.

4. Mix 1/3 cup white vinegar with 2/3 cup lukewarm water.

5. Sponge the area with the vinegar solution. Blot with a clean, white cloth.

6. Sponge the area with clean water. Blot with a clean, white cloth.

There you have it! Plain and Simple!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Workplace Sanitation: Why is it Important?

It may be a bit challenging for business owners to ensure that everything run smoothly between the business and employees. These include finances, equipment, health and sanitation. Be it a hospital or a corporate business, we should always take note that workplace sanitation is very important. Here's why:

- In order for a business to run smoothly, there should always be a positive working environment where everyone can work comfortably. Employees are considered the life of the business, without them, your company won't run and earn greater amount of profit. Thus, it is very important to ensure a healthy workplace, so as not to trigger diseases and other health conditions to the employees.

- The workplace can be more inviting to customers and clients if they see that the environment is clean and cozy. Believe it or not, cleanliness of the surroundings can help build reliability and credibility for the company, as well as for everyone that works within the business.

- A clean environment invites positive vibes and help employees focus on their tasks. An organized, clutter-free, and vibrant surrounding creates a positive mood that maybe beneficial in giving the employees peace of mind while they are working.

One smart way to ensure workplace sanitation is to hire a cleaning service agency that can provide commercial cleaning services depending on your needs.